A Step-by-Step Guide to Open a US Company for Global Entrepreneurs

Posted on February 26, 2024Categories music, pets, world

For global entrepreneurs eyeing expansion,the United States presents a landscape ripe with opportunity. The process to open US company can be a gateway to unparalleled market potential and business growth. This step-by-step guide is designed to navigate you through the process,ensuring a seamless transition into the US market.

Understanding the Benefits

Before delving into the process,it’s crucial to understand why the US market is a coveted destination for business expansion:

  • Access to a Diverse Market: The US is known for its diverse consumer base,offering a wide array of market segments.
  • Innovation and Growth Opportunities: Known for its entrepreneurial spirit,the US market provides a fertile ground for innovation and business growth.
  • Financial Incentives: Various states offer incentives for businesses,including tax breaks and grants.

Planning and Strategy

  1. Conduct Market Research: Understand the American market dynamics,including consumer behavior,competition,and industry trends.
  2. Develop a Business Plan: Tailor your business plan to address the specifics of the US market.

Legal Steps to Open a US Company

  1. Choose the Right Business Structure: Decide whether an LLC,C-Corp,or S-Corp best fits your business needs.
  2. Select a State for Incorporation: Each state has its business laws and tax benefits. Delaware,Nevada,and Wyoming are popular choices for their business-friendly environments.
  3. Register Your Business: File the necessary paperwork,such as Articles of Incorporation (for corporations) or Articles of Organization (for LLCs),in your chosen state.

Mid-Process: Establishing Foundations

Once the legal framework is in place,it’s time to establish the foundations of your US operations:

  • Open a US Company Bank Account: This is crucial for managing finances and transactions within the US. It may require an in-person visit or working with banks that cater to international businesses.
  • Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits: Depending on your business type and location,you may need specific licenses and permits to operate legally.

Setting Up Operations

  1. Set Up an Office or Virtual Presence: Determine if you need a physical presence or if a virtual setup suffices.
  2. Build a Local Team: Hiring local talent can provide invaluable insights into the US market.
  3. Implement Marketing Strategies: Tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with the US audience.

Navigating Taxation and Compliance

  1. Understand Federal and State Tax Laws: US tax laws can be complex. It’s advisable to consult with a tax professional.
  2. Compliance and Legal Obligations: Stay informed about the legal and compliance requirements,including annual filings and state-specific regulations.

Leveraging Support and Networks

  • Seek Local Expertise: Consider partnering with local advisors or consulting firms that specialize in helping foreign businesses establish in the US.
  • Networking: Engage with local business networks and chambers of commerce to build connections and gain market insights.


To open a US company is to embark on a journey of opportunity and growth. It requires careful planning,adherence to legal procedures,and an understanding of the unique dynamics of the American market. With the right approach and resources,international entrepreneurs can successfully establish their presence in the US,tapping into its vast potential for business expansion and success. Remember,while the process can be intricate,the rewards of operating in one of the world’s most dynamic economies are immeasurable.

Effective Strategies for Career Advancement in a Competitive Job Market

Posted on January 15, 2024Categories business, random, world

The famous saying about success not coming to you,but you going to it,captures the essence of career advancement in a highly competitive job market. Our fast-moving and ever-transforming professional world has added a little difficulty to our journey toward success. If you desire to prosper and distinguish yourself among your colleagues,you need to get your hands on reliable techniques that make you outstanding. This article aims to navigate some proven strategies to advance your career. We will be using the life of Grant Kelley in business as a case study. He is a role model to many in the corporate and business fields. Mastering the art of career advancement through expertise,professionalism,experience,and practical strategies (which I will give you soon),as he did,will qualify us as successful professionals. 

1.Do not stop learning and working on your skills.

In an intensely competitive job market,it is necessary to keep anticipating and adapting to industry advancements. It would also help if you recognize this strategy early enough in your career and be committed and consistent. Ways to improve and maintain your learning pace include attending industry seminars and enrolling in tutorials,and looking for experienced and professional mentors to guide you. By staying updated on industry advancements,you can draw unique insights and value about a business trend to be on the better side of your competitors. 

2.Grow your relationship and engage intensively in networking. 

You set a bedrock for climbing the career ladder by focusing on developing strong relationships and networking with other beneficial individuals or groups. As stated earlier,you can establish helpful connections by attending industrial summits. But more is needed; during the forum,try to associate or interact with well-versed personnel or dignitaries you meet there or any person you feel has a lot to offer to you. Other means for establishing connections include joining relevant associations and utilizing online platforms to extend your network. Building rapport with professionals and improving your relationship with them will present you with new opportunities in the professional field. 

3.Set well-defined targets and take proactive steps.

Achieving success or advancing your career does not happen by accident,nor is it by luck. Most successful business people experience their respective career breakthroughs because they thoroughly planned their goals and set up well-defined milestones. By goal-setting,you can recognize your current position and where you want to be and design a roadmap to take you there. Furthermore,it would help if you take proactive steps and attempt challenging projects,as it will help you showcase your strength and prove your merit to your superiors. Doing this will help you to secure promotions and take on leadership functions in your workplace. 


There,you have it! With these few strategies,you can cause a significant improvement in your career life. However,it would be best if you stayed committed and consistent,as the advancement of one’s career only happens sometimes overnight. Finally,you can always follow great men like Grant Kelley,and let their success fuel your drive to success.

For more information: Grant Kelley

Din Guide till Hyreslivet i Stockholm

Posted on December 5, 2023Categories business, home, information, people, society, world


Stockholms hyresmarknad är lika dynamisk och mångsidig som staden själv. Denna guide är avsedd att ge dig en omfattande översikt över vad du kan förvänta dig när det gäller hyreskostnader och hur BeLiving kan vara din allierade i sökandet efter den perfekta lägenheten.

Hyreskostnader i Stockholm

Stockholm är en stad med en rik historia och en modern puls,vilket avspeglas i dess bostadsmarknad. Beroende på dina önskemål och behov kan du hitta allt från mysiga ettor i kulturhistoriska områden till moderna tvåor i nybyggda kvarter. Hyran varierar beroende på läge och storlek,och du kan förvänta dig att betala mellan 7 000 och 12 000 SEK för en etta och upp till 20 000 SEK för en tvåa i mer centralt belägna områden. Med BeLivings webbplattform kan du enkelt hitta alternativ som passar din budget och dina preferenser,och få en tydlig överblick över vad som finns tillgängligt.

Praktiska tips för att hitta lägenheter

Att hitta rätt bostad i Stockholm behöver inte vara en stressande upplevelse. Med BeLiving kan du enkelt navigera i bostadsmarknaden och snabbt hitta ett hem som passar dig. Här är några tips för att underlätta din sökning:

  • Tidig Ansökan: Börja din bostadssökning i god tid. Med BeLivings plattform kan du få tillgång till nya bostadsannonser så snart de publiceras,vilket ger dig en fördel i den konkurrensutsatta marknaden.
  • Bevakningstjänst: Ställ in BeLivings bevakningstjänst för att få notiser när nya bostäder som uppfyller dina kriterier blir tillgängliga. Detta säkerställer att du inte missar några intressanta objekt och kan snabbt agera när rätt tillfälle dyker upp.

Viktiga överväganden vid lägenhetssökning

När du söker efter en lägenhet i Stockholm är det viktigt att tänka på följande:

  • Läge: Välj ett område som passar din livsstil och dina behov. Att bo nära arbete eller utbildning kan spara dig mycket tid på pendling.
  • Tillgänglighet till kollektivtrafik: Ett bra kollektivtrafiknät är essentiellt i en storstad som Stockholm. Se till att ditt nya hem ligger nära bra kommunikationer.
  • Lokala bekvämligheter: Tänk på närheten till viktiga bekvämligheter som matbutiker,gym,parker och andra tjänster som kan berika din vardag.


Med rätt verktyg och förberedelser kan din bostadssökning i Stockholm vara både spännande och givande. BeLiving är här för att stödja dig genom hela processen,från att hitta rätt bostad till att ansöka om den. Besök BeLivings webbplats för att börja utforska dina möjligheter och ta ett steg närmare ditt nya hem i Stockholm.

LinkedIn Training: Unlocking Professional Success

Posted on November 28, 2023Categories software, world

LinkedIn training is a tailored educational approach aimed at harnessing the full potential of the LinkedIn platform for personal and professional growth. Whether you’re an individual looking to enhance your career prospects or a business seeking to leverage LinkedIn for marketing and networking,LinkedIn training can be immensely beneficial.

Who Benefits from LinkedIn Training:

Job Seekers: Job seekers can gain a competitive edge through LinkedIn training. They learn how to create attention-grabbing profiles,connect with relevant professionals,and effectively job hunt on the platform. Training also covers interview preparation and personal branding.

Professionals: LinkedIn training is valuable for professionals across various fields. It helps them optimize their profiles,expand their networks,and establish themselves as thought leaders. Additionally,professionals can learn how to engage in meaningful discussions and share content that resonates with their audience.

Businesses: LinkedIn is a powerful marketing and recruitment tool for businesses. Through training,companies can educate their employees on effective LinkedIn strategies,enabling them to generate leads,enhance brand visibility,and recruit top talent. Businesses can also run targeted advertising campaigns,and training ensures they do so efficiently.

Benefits of LinkedIn Training:

Profile Optimization: LinkedIn training guides individuals on crafting compelling profiles. This includes selecting professional profile pictures,writing engaging summaries,and highlighting key achievements and skills.

Networking Skills: Users learn how to connect with industry peers,potential clients,and influencers. Training emphasises the importance of personalised connection requests and building meaningful relationships.

Content Strategy: LinkedIn training teaches content creation and sharing techniques. Users discover how to share informative articles,videos,and updates that resonate with their target audience. Effective content can enhance credibility and attract engagement.

Lead Generation: For businesses,training offers insights into lead generation techniques such as InMail campaigns and sponsored content. This is vital for expanding the customer base and boosting revenue.

Analytics: Users are introduced to LinkedIn’s analytics tools,which enable them to track profile views,post engagement,and the effectiveness of their strategies. This data-driven approach helps in refining their LinkedIn tactics.

Compliance and Best Practices: LinkedIn training ensures users understand the platform’s rules and etiquette. This knowledge prevents potential pitfalls and ensures ethical and effective networking.

Career Advancement: For professionals,LinkedIn training can lead to career advancement by teaching them how to leverage their profiles for better job opportunities and industry recognition.

Brand Building: Businesses learn to use LinkedIn to build a strong online brand presence. This includes showcasing company culture,sharing success stories,and engaging with customers.

In conclusion,LinkedIn training is a valuable investment for individuals and businesses aiming to make the most of their LinkedIn presence. Whether it’s improving your job prospects,expanding your professional network,or growing your business,LinkedIn training equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed on this powerful platform. It’s a key to unlocking professional success in the digital age.

For more information please refer to: markwoodcock.com

The Psychology of Decision Making: Understanding Cognitive Biases in Business & Sports

Posted on November 9, 2023Categories arts, education, people, world

Decision making is the lifeline of every business,every business decision you make can either contribute to the growth of your business or in wrecking your business or your sports team. Because of the strong potential of this act,it becomes important to carefully consider all factors before proceeding. Every human being would have been the best version of themselves if they could make the best decisions in all their doings in life. But the reverse is mostly the case because our decisions are most influenced by cognitive biases. This beclouds our reasoning and causes us to make decisions which in some cases might be to our own detriment. In this article we will be looking at the psychology of decision making and exploring the common cognitive biases that are present in business and how to mitigate their effect. 

We will be citing Grant Kelley as an example in this article,because he has made a name for himself as a visionary and creative leader renowned for his relentless commitment to success in both business and sports. He is the Chairman of Holdfast Assets,a role he has held since September of 2008,which manages and owns key agricultural,sporting and tourism assets in South Australia. He is also the owner of Adelaide 36ers a basketball team. This shows that he has had to make life-changing decisions at different point in his life,and that is where we will be drawing insights from. 

The Influence of Cognitive Biases

Cognitive biases are the flaws in our human reasoning that can affect our decision-making process. These biases include confirmation bias,anchoring bias and overconfidence bias. Each of this bias affects decision making in their own way. Take overconfidence bias for example,this bias distorts the decision-making process by causing you to overestimate your abilities and neglect the facts present before you. A good understanding of the working principle of each of these biases enables us to approach decision making with more reliance in objective accuracy than subjective accuracy.

The Halo Effect

This occurs when we allow our overall impression of a person or company to influence our decision making. Just because you think a particular person is fit for a role from the way he dresses,is not enough reason to give such a person the role. This bias often leads to biased evaluations and neglection of potential weaknesses.  There should always be room for carrying out personal research and seeking diverse perspectives,to make more informed decisions. 

Overcoming Cognitive Biases

Recognizing and understanding cognitive biases is the first step towards overcoming them. More important approaches include promoting a culture of open-mindedness,carrying out extensive research before making decisions in your business,giving room for the input of more experienced people in your business,requesting for feedback from customers and above all,engaging in critical thinking and analysis. By doing these things,you will slowly learn to lean more on objective accuracy of your judgements,than the subjective accuracy.  Experts such as Grant Kelley have mastered the art of overcoming cognitive biases.


Cognitive biases greatly influence our decision making process,and can have diverse effects on our businesses,depending on how well we manage it. A good step is to first understand each of these biases,their impact and above all,how it can be managed efficiently. By promoting a culture of critical thinking,and by challenging the ideas by which we live by,you can enhance your decision-making process,and achieve better outcomes in your business.


For more information: Grant Kelley

Evaluating the Latest Technological Innovations

Posted on October 16, 2023Categories business, computer, people, software, world

In the ever-changing realm of technology,staying abreast of the cutting-edge developments has become an imperative for both businesses and consumers alike. Gadget reviews play a pivotal role in this process. From groundbreaking strides in artificial intelligence to remarkable advancements in virtual reality,comprehending and assessing these novel technologies can profoundly influence the prosperity and effectiveness of organizations. Through unwavering exploration and scrutiny,authorities within the industry are ceaselessly scrutinizing and evaluating state-of-the-art gadgets and software via these reviews,ensuring that only the most auspicious creations permeate conventional markets.

Amongst these extraordinary innovations that have sent shockwaves throughout various industries is the emergence of blockchain technology. Initially conceived as a backbone for digital currencies such as Bitcoin,blockchain has swiftly expanded its horizons to encompass a vast array of applications beyond mere financial transactions. Its decentralized nature coupled with its imperviousness to tampering endows it with profound potential to reshape sectors ranging from supply chain management to healthcare records and even digital identity verification. As experts plunge further into unraveling the possibilities inherent within blockchain’s framework while acknowledging its limitations,they find themselves engrossed in appraising its capacity to redefine data security,efficiency levels,as well as trustworthiness across diverse domains.

Unveiling Cutting-Edge Devices: A Closer Look

Cutting-edge devices,with their mind-boggling advancements and audacious defiance of norms,stand tall as the pinnacle of technological progress. These marvels showcase avant-garde functionalities that redefine our interaction with technology,seamlessly weaving efficiency and seamlessness into the fabric of our lives. From smartphones equipped with fingerprint sensors to wearable tech that diligently monitors our well-being,these creations are meticulously crafted to amplify convenience and elevate our digital encounters to unprecedented heights.

An intriguing facet of cutting-edge devices lies in their seamless integration into the tapestry of our daily routines. Consider smart home gadgets that empower us to effortlessly manipulate lighting,temperature,and even household appliances through a mere vocal command. Beyond pure convenience,these contrivances lay the groundwork for a more connected and automated way of life. Moreover,the advent of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) devices has revolutionized how we perceive and interact with the world around us; they present immersive experiences once confined solely within realms of fantasy.

In this ever-progressing realm known as technology,it is vital to sprint ahead on an uncharted path—and cutting-edge devices pave that very trail towards success. Continually pushing boundaries previously deemed insurmountable,these wonders present us with groundbreaking features and capabilities destined to reshape technology’s future landscape. As we plunge deeper into this mesmerizing realm brimming with extraordinary innovations,we gain profound insight into unfathomable possibilities lying just beyond reach.

What is WordPress SEO?

Posted on September 29, 2023Categories entertainment, food, recreation, world

Are you ready to take your website’s search engine ranking to the next level? Look no further than WordPress SEO! This latest version of the popular plugin has all the features and tools necessary to make optimizing content easier than ever before. It’s all there: from setting up URL redirects to changing metadata and improving keyword targeting,it has you covered. This plugin also provides options such as tracking rankings or monitoring web traffic. And don’t forget about submitting content to search engine crawlers and optimizing RSS Feeds! All these features make WordPress SEO an absolute must-have when it comes to increasing visibility in organic search results.

SEO Benefits of WordPress Version

WordPress Version provides a veritable cornucopia of SEO-friendly features! With its extensive control over the page titles,permalinks,canonical links and breadcrumbs – as well as the ability to edit nearly all HTML elements – users have unprecedented power over their website’s architecture. Plus,popular SEO plugins are supported for easy integration of sitemaps,301 redirects and other tools natively in the platform.

What’s more? A powerful SEO panel,page analysis tools and keyword optimization features have been added to the user interface. This makes it easier for users to customize their website so that they can achieve maximum search engine visibility. WordPress’ open source platform allows developers to access a wide range of SEO tools for more efficient optimization.

Best Practices for Optimizing WordPress SEO

Unlock the secrets of WordPress SEO and discover how it can help you climb to the top of search engine rankings! This powerful tool is capable of doing a lot for your website. From creating relevant keywords,using header tags and meta descriptions to making sure all pages are properly indexed with a plugin. And with its easy-to-navigate link structure and clean coding,you’ll be able to maximize your SEO potential in no time. Explore new heights and prepare for results that are sure to make you excited!

What is Managed IT Houston?

Posted on September 27, 2023Categories health, real estate, world

Managed IT Houston offers IT consulting and business process management. We provide enterprise-class solutions that will help you keep up with the constantly changing technology landscape. Our customized services are designed for efficiency enhancement,cost reduction,and maximization of the value of technology investments. We offer comprehensive solutions to a variety of IT issues,from applications and infrastructure,to software development. Plus,our team provides expert consultancy on cloud computing,virtualization,security,DevOps and more! As an added bonus we can also transform your business operations through our governance guidance as well as increase intelligence with insightful analytics. At Managed IT Houston we are dedicated to delivering top quality service while supplying the best possible answers for all your needs.

Benefits of Using Managed IT Houston

Managed IT Houston provides an array of tailored services that can be uniquely designed to meet the needs of each business. This company helps businesses keep up with software and hardware updates,while protecting their vital data. Its proactive approach also ensures all security measures for maximum efficiency. With technical assistance and support from its experienced team,businesses can quickly troubleshoot and resolve any IT issues without having to spend money on external consultants. Equally important,it helps companies develop and maintain secure systems which help protect them from potential data breaches or other security risks – allowing them to focus on their core operations with peace of mind.

Types of Services Offered by Managed IT Houston

Managed IT Houston provides a wide range of services to meet all your technology needs. They cover everything from managed hosting,cloud solutions,to advanced network security. They have technical experts available to help you navigate the constantly evolving world of IT.

Moreover,their consultants provide a wide range of services from strategic planning to managed services–all tailored to affordably meet the needs of your organization. With scalability at its core,Managed It Houston develops customized solutions designed specifically for individual requirements whilst providing flexible tools which can easily adjust according to the changing demands of any business. Committed towards delivering exceptional service quality for every customer they serve; Managed IT Houston allows you peace of mind as all your tech concerns become a non-issue.

Seven Hills OH Is a Great Place For Families

Posted on August 30, 2023Categories business, recreation, travel, world

Seven Hills OH is a great place for families,with its good schools and low crime rate. The location is also very convenient,with many shopping options and easy highway access.

In Seven Hills,the most common occupations are sales,management,and office-related occupations. This chart shows the share of jobs in these sectors relative to the total population.

Parks & Recreation

Seven Hills offers a variety of parks and recreational opportunities to its residents. For instance,the city has a swimming pool that offers a variety of services and programs,including lessons and fitness classes. It also has a tennis court and volleyball courts.

XYZ Family Restaurant is one of many family-friendly eateries in the city. This eatery serves a range of dishes,and its menu includes items such as pizzas and pastas. The restaurant is also great for families who are health-conscious,because it has a salad bar where you can create your own.

Seven Hills offers a variety of options for those who want to enjoy a meal out but don’t want to leave the comfort of home. For example,Uber Eats can deliver meals from local restaurants right to your doorstep. You can even order food with zero delivery fee by joining Uber One. Enter your address to start browsing nearby restaurants. You can also search for specific dishes or cuisines as you explore your options.

Shopping & Dining

Seven Hills is located south of Cleveland,in Cuyahoga County. It offers many dining and shopping options to its residents. The most popular shopping destination in the city is Seven Hills Plaza,which features a variety of restaurants,retail stores,and services.

Residents of Seven Hills can also enjoy a variety of local parks and recreation facilities. Blossom hill park,for example,offers a wide range of family-friendly attractions and activities. Other parks in the area include Redwood Park and Ehrnfelt Recreation Center.

Uber Eats offers food delivery from several restaurants and shops located in Seven Hills,including Demetrios Family Restaurant AutoZone and Charm Thai Restaurant. Those who are looking to save on delivery fees can use the Uber One membership option. The company offers free delivery for certain orders. Meals on Wheels is available to the city’s senior citizens. The meals are prepared by Coyne Catering and consist of a cold lunch and re-heated dinner item each day.

Education & Training

Seven Hills’ residents are highly educated. Many of them also hold management,office and administrative support jobs.

Parma City School district is the school district that serves this city. The district is known for its academic excellence and rigorous athletic programs. Students from the district regularly compete in interscholastic events across Ohio and throughout the United States.

Seven Hills has an average household size of 2.83 people. Most homeowners in the city own their homes,with a median home value of $181,200. The majority of workers in the city commute by driving alone. On average,they spend 24.3 minutes commuting to and from their workplaces.

The city’s population is predominantly white,with a small percentage of Asian residents. Its most important ancestry groups include German and Italian. Seven Hills’ average household earns $81,128 annually. Its residents are well-educated and enjoy a low crime rate.

Home Improvement

Whether you are building a new home,remodelling or doing an addition to your current house,hiring general contractors is important for successful completion of your project. You can save time,money and worry while ensuring that your Seven Hills OH construction or renovation project is done well. You may also be able to get options you hadn’t considered before the project started.

Residents in Seven Hills are served by the Parma City School District and have access to a variety of parks,amenities and shopping opportunities. The residents also benefit from the short commute,and low crime rates.

Seven Hills has a majority of White residents,but also a significant number of Italians and Poles. Most households in Seven Hills own their home,and the average household income is above the Ohio median. Household expenses,including utilities,grocery costs and transportation,track slightly higher than the statewide averages.

The City of Stonewood, West Virginia

Posted on August 27, 2023Categories business, computer, world

The city of Stonewood is located in Harrison County,West Virginia. In 2023,its population is expected to be 1,806 people. In recent years,its median household income was $62,285

Living in Stonewood WV can be a fun and rewarding experience. The small mountain town offers plenty of outdoor activities and a close-knit community.

City Hall

Stonewood WV is located near the Appalachian Mountains and offers residents a friendly community. The small mountain town is known for its natural beauty and rich heritage.

There are many ways to get involved in Stonewood’s government. Residents can attend meetings or volunteer to serve as members of the Stonewood City Council. They can also contact the mayor or city manager directly for questions and concerns.

Corrosion is a problem in water pipes that can lead to the release of harmful minerals into drinking water. To combat this problem,the Clarksburg Water Board is introducing phosphoric acid to its water. This chemical will help create scale in the water pipes and prevent corrosion.

Single-family home 8041 City Hall Lane is located in Stonewood,WV. It has 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. It was built in 1967.

Police Department

The Stonewood police department is responsible for keeping the city safe. It features over 32 precincts featuring patrol officers and detectives. The Greater Harrison Drug & Violent Crime Task Force,Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco,Firearms,and Explosives,and Clarksburg Police Department are also involved.

The department carries out many different day-to-day functions such as processing arrests and updating the sex offender search database. Its mission statement is to provide high quality community policing without compromising citizens’ rights.

The Stonewood Police Department jail is a place where arrested people are held until their court appearance. It consists of four cells and separates male and female inmates. Inmates are allowed to stay for up to 84 hours. Online,inmates can check their release date.

Fire Department

The Stonewood Volunteer Fire Department provides first responder services in the city of Stonewood and mutual aid to surrounding communities. Their mission is to serve the public with prompt,courteous service with the highest levels of professionalism that saves lives and minimizes property loss from natural or man-made disasters. They provide fire protection,ALS/BLS transport,hazardous materials mitigation,emergency 911 dispatch,fire code inspections,public education,community assistance and training.

In Harrison County,a fire destroyed a mobile house on Monday morning. Around 3:30 in the morning,it happened on Coal Mine Lane. The fire started in an outbuilding,then spread into the house. The fire damaged the active electric lines which caused a delay in response. The blaze is under investigation. Clarksburg Water Board staff will be adding phosphoric acid to the water system next week to add scale. The chemical creates a protective layer on pipes that prevents corrosion.


The library strives to provide materials that broaden a child’s horizons,encourage and facilitate reading skills,supplement their educational needs,stimulate interest in literature and current affairs,reflect the diversity of the community,and encourage a lifelong love of learning. The choice of material that children read and watch is ultimately up to their parents. They are the best people to guide and supervise their development. The library does not attempt to intrude on that relationship by imposing its own preferences.

This page contains STONEWOOD 9-digit ZIP Code list,population,schools,libraries,museums,hospitals,post offices,and random addresses. You can click the map to zoom in and out. This is an online map of the address in STONEWOOD,WV 26301. This data is only for reference.

Parks & Recreation

Stonewood Estates park is a 2-acre neighborhood park located in the Stonewood estates subdivision in the northwest corner. The neighborhood park has two covered shelters and is fenced. There are several mobile home parks in Stonewood that have homes or lots available listed on MHVillage. Browse listings,read reviews,look at photos,and learn about mobile home park amenities using our tools. You can also narrow your search to include pet friendly communities and senior communities.