Five Fun Activities to Exercise and Empower your Brain

Brain is one of the most important organs in the human body yet many fail to keep its health in check. Much like the muscles, it needs constant exercise and a bit of challenge so it stays in tip-top shape. According to experts, they key to keeping the human brain fit and healthy lies in two things: variety and curiosity. This means routines and the mundane may not always work well for it. It loves being challenged and being exposed to new things and experiences.

Exercising the brain does not always mean reading or studying. There are many fun activities you can try to exercise and empower your brain and here are some of them:

Play games

Games are a great way to tickle and challenge your brain. Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and many mobile games are excellent at improving the organ’s overall function. They test your skills in vocabulary, logic, and math. If you want to improve your brain’s speed and memory, you can try playing these games every day. Dedicate at least 15 minutes of your time every day on playing, and never do it for hours.

Eat healthy

Playing games is sure fun, but so is eating. Foods that are rich in healthy fats help sustain your brain’s health, so make sure to include them on your daily diet. Great examples are salmon, nuts, and seeds. Find ways to incorporate them on your favorite dishes. Also, minimize your consumption of saturated fats and transfats.

Share stories

Not a lot of people realize that telling stories is also a great exercise for the brain. When you tell stories to friends and family, you don’t just share with them your experiences and moments. You also immortalize your memories and impart values. People love hearing good stories, whether old or new, so practice your storytelling skills and start sharing your stories to others.


When you exercise your body, you also exercise your brain. Other than helping you keep a positive mood, physical activities also teach your brain to practice balance, develop new muscle skills, and estimate weights, distances, etc. Try different workouts and new physical indoor and outdoor activities. Again, the brain loves challenges, so you might as well give your body some good challenges.

Develop new skills

When you try to learn a new skill, you actually encourage different areas of the brain to function. Learning a new language, cooking a foreign dish, trying out a new hobby, for instance, helps keep your brain active and alert. It also enables you to keep your memory sharp, learn new movements, and find new meanings in things you usually don’t appreciate.

According to counselling company Everyday Empathy, there are many ways to work on our brain’s fitness. But the key is to deviate from the usual and give it a little challenge. Routines may work well for you for now and your current hobby may give you happiness, but the moment things become a “second nature,” the brain won’t have to work much to do such. This is why it pays to try things differently and look at things from a different perspective. You don’t just keep your brain young and healthy that way. You also find better ways to appreciate yourself and life in general.

For more information, visit: individual counselling assessment Hong Kong